As a mother I can relate to that. I have done so many mistakes as a mother - but "oh no, I never meant to cause you trouble". Today is my son´s birthday, he is a middle child. It is rough being a middle child. (I am a middle child myself). "The oldest kid gets undivided attention from overeager parents, while the youngest gets more freedom and special treatment. Meanwhile, the middle child is just there, squished between siblings.Right?
In the book You’re a Better Parent Than You Think, Dr. Ray Guarendi defines MCS as “feelings of isolation, of not belonging. Enjoying neither the parental attention and expectations given to the eldest, nor the relaxed parental standards experienced by the youngest, the middle child is supposedly lost in the shuffle, caught in between with no unique position of his own.”(Quotes from Yohana Desta on Mashable).
Arne before he became a middle child
Vilket fint och rörande in lägg - förstår precis vad du menar. Kram
SvaraRaderaTack, kära mamma!
SvaraRaderaVad du har utvecklats som tecknare!!!!!!!! Så vacker teckning, både innehåll och teknik. Och barn ... de får oss att utvecklas för vi älskar dem såååå mycket. Kärlekens drivkraft är stark och den helar. Kram
SvaraRaderaDet var verkligen ett fint inlägg, Erica. Du är en duktig tecknare och en djup person. En påskkram till Dig
SvaraRaderaVäl skrivet, väl ritat, och väl fotat. 5/5
SvaraRaderaLove it, love it, love it!!!
SvaraRaderaTack Emelie, Agnes, Suzan och Anna för era uppmuntrande ord!
RaderaThanks for sharing. It was beautiful. Totally agree with the middle child syndrome :) being a middle child myself. I don't feel that way now but I remember feeling that way as a kid. I should remember that more with my own middle daughter.